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HUM 115 - Critical Thinking: Home

Use this resource guide to find materials to support your HUM 115 research paper.  Use the tabs above to find information on finding books, articles, videos and citing your sources.  If you have any questions about the resources please contact me or any of the ACC librarians. We're here to help!

This course introduces the use of critical thinking skills in the context of the human conflict.  Emphasis is placed on evaluating information, problem solving, approaching cross-cultural perspectives, and resolving controversies and dilemmas.  Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate orally and in writing the use of critical thinking skills in the analysis of appropriate texts. 

About the Library

Where is the Library Located?

Learning Resource Center
Third Floor
Gee Building

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As an ACC student, you can check out a variety of different types of library materials.  Here's a brief selection of what is offered.

Check out limits  - 7 items at a time
Books - 7 books for 30 days
DVDs - 2 DVDs for one week
Audiobooks - 2 audiobooks for 30 days
Magazines - for use only in the library

In order to check out library materials, you are required to present your ACC student ID.  If you do not have a student ID, please review this information on how to obtain one.